Monday, March 5, 2012


The title of the post this morning is all that I could muster. As I am sitting here typing this post, I am constantly interrupted by the sound of my 4-year-old, Judah, throwing up. Poor thing. He has been at it all night. I woke up to him getting sick in my bed, and a little on Matt. Ewww!!! I was cleaning it up while Matt took care of Judah. Judah came in and said, "Mom, don't forget to clean Chris' bed." Apparently he was playing musical beds last night. So, Matt cleaned one bed while I cleaned the other. I just pray that he doesn't "share" this with the rest of us. I remember when I was younger; we had a large family, too. Never failed, when one got sick it made its way around to almost everyone...not just once!

On a different note...we celebrated yet another birthday. Yesterday was Christopher's 7th birthday. I say this every birthday with every child. I seriously have no idea where the time is going. I met him for the first time 7 years ago and my life has never been the same since. He, like my other children, have made my life better in so many ways. Christopher is very animated. He cannot hide his emotions; they are written all over his face. He is one of those that when he feels...he feels deeply. He's not just mad, he's VERY mad.

He's not just excited, he is EXTREMELY excited.

His cake of choice...spy cake. Wasn't quite sure what he was thinking, but this was my interpretation.

He seems to have had a great birthday. We do something as a family, have the dinner of their choice, and later, cake, ice cream, and presents. Chris decided to go see The Lorax in the theaters. They loved it, although Judah said, "I love the movie feeter, but I didn't love the movie." They all had a great time. Afterwards, we came home for his birthday dinner and for cake and presents.

 LEGOs were the toys of choice this year. As you can tell, He was quite excited about them. Happy Birthday, Christopher. Mommy loves you so much. ( Even if you do wipe off kisses!)

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